The members of the band have been involved in high profile performances throughout their careers, performing with famous singers from Greece as well such as Loukas Yiorkas, Stavros Konstantinou & Miltiadis Paschalides. Other work includes TV appearances, adverts, concert’s with international artists, where individually they have performed in numerous Greek and Cypriot events across the UK over the years.
The passion and love they have for music as a common interest brought this group of musicians together to create ENTHIMION MUSIC. The band performs music with a unique flair and interpretation looking to create memorable moments to take away which provided the inspiration for the name ‘Enthimion’ (Enthimion means ‘souvenir’ in Greek)
Odysseas Elia - Bouzouki/Violin/Keyboards
Οδυσσέας Ηλία – Μπουζούκι/βιολί/Πλήκτρα
Odysseas is the leader and Maestro of ENTHIMION MUSIC. Odysseas began his involvement in music at the age of 10, studying the Bouzouki and later the classical Piano & Violin, performing in various concerts, private functions & weddings in the UK since 2001. Odysseas has also worked as a session musician, including playing on TV soundtracks as well as recent live performances on BBC Radio. Having collaborated with the UK’s top musicians over various projects, including performing at live concerts of worldwide known European pop bands as well as international TV appearances, Odysseas has a vast array of experience across many fields of music and various types of functions.
Ο Οδυσσέας έιναι ο μαέστρος κι ο καθοδηγητής του ‘Ενθύμιον’. Ξεκίνησε την ενασχόλησή του με την μουσική στην ηλικία των 10 ετών, κάνοντας μαθήματα στο μπουζούκι, κλασσικό πιάνο και βιολί. Έχει Συμμετάσχει σε διάφορες συναυλίες, εκδηλώσεις και γάμους στην Αγγλία από το 2001 όπως επίσης σε κινηματογραφικές εκτελέσεις και σε ζωντανές εκτελέσεις στο Βρετανικό ραδιόφωνο. Όλες αυτές οι συμμετοχές τον βοήθησαν ν’αποκτήσει σπουδαία εμπειρία σε διάφορα επίπεδα της μουσικής.
Christos Seas - Guitar / Vocals
Χρήστος Σέας - Κιθάρα / Τραγούδι
Born in Cyprus, Christos Seas is a professional guitarist and singer of ENTHIMION MUSIC. He is also the second Maestro of the band. Playing the guitar for 18 years, Christos came to London to complete his Barchelor studies at City University and then his Master Degree studying the classical guitar at Trinity Conservatoire of Music. Christos has been part of various performances at notable venues throughout Cyprus and the UK (e.g Kings Place, St. Alfege Church, Marriot Hotel) either as a guitarist (classical/electric/acoustic) or singer. Christos is famous for his extensive (endless) repertoire of songs and for the entertainment value on offer to the audience, catering for any genre, from Rembetiko, Entexno, Elafrolaiko, laiko, Kupriaka, Traditional Nisiotika all the way to the latest modern Club hits. Additionally he has performed alongside famous singers in Cyprus such as Loukas Yiorkas, Stavros Konstantinou, Miltiadis Paschalides etc. Christos is currently living in Cyprus where he works as a guitar teacher and performer.
Γεννημένος στην Κύπρο, ο Χρήστος είναι επαγγελματίας κιθαρίστας κι ο κύριος τραγουδιστής του ‘Ενθύμιον’. Ο Χρήστος έιναι επίσης ο δεύτερος μαέστρος του γκρουπ. Μετά από 18 χρόνια ενασχόλησης με την κιθάρα, μετακόμισε στο Λονδίνο για να σπουδάσει μουσική όπου και αποφοίτησε απο το πανεπιστήμιο Σίτι του Λονδίνου. Επιπλέον, απέκτησε τίτλο Μάστερ στην κλασική κιθάρα απο το Trinity College of music, London. Έχει συμμετάσχει σε διάφορες παραστάσεις σε γνωστές μουσικές σκηνές στην Κύπρο και στο Λονδίνο ως κιθαρίστας/τραγουδιστής. Επίσης, είναι γνωστός για τη τεράστια γκάμα ρεπερτορίου που διαθέτει και για το ψυχαγωγικό του πνεύμα το οποίο τον μετατρέπει σ’ έναν μουσικό διασκεδαστή οποιουδήποτε ακροατηρίου. Η μουσική γνώση του Χρίστου περιλαμβάνει ευρύ ρεπερτόριο όπως Ρεμπέτικο, Έντεχνο, Ελαφρολαϊκό, Λαϊκό, Παραδοσιακό και Νησιώτικο τραγούδι όπως επίσης κι επιτυχίες της σύγχρονης εποχής. Αξιζει να σημειώθει οτι ο Χρίστος έχει συνοδεύσει διάσημους έλληνες τραγουδιστές όπως τον Λούκα Γιόρκα, τον Σταύρο Κωνσταντίνου, τον Μιλτιάδη Πασχαλίδη κι άλλους. Τέλος, ο Χρήστος μένει μόνιμα στην Κύπρο όπου ζει κι εργάζεται ως δάσκαλος κιθάρας κι ερμηνευτής συνεχίζοντας να προσφέρει τις μουσικές του γνώσεις για την εξέλιξη του ‘Ενθυμιον’.
Chris Amadeus - Lead Guitarist/Vocalist
Chris Amadeus is the guitarist/vocalist and an integral member of the orchestra, where his love for music began very early on, as a child. Being fascinated by the power of music and the way it works on the mind and heart, he was given a guitar at the age of six as a birthday present and soon after began taking classical guitar lessons and going through the grades. At eleven Chris started taking private lessons from the master “Andreas Markides” studying Greek music styles, and launching his love for Greek music. After joining his LWTV School Rock band, Chris was soon invited to perform with a Greek band for just one evening, which subsequently launched his performance career. Providing a diverse English repertoire Chris next joined a well established English covers band and performed with them as a singer/guitarist playing at countless Greek & English weddings and other functions. Throughout the years Chris has made various TV appearances including ITV show “Weddings”, BBC TV and Radio 5 live, also featuring in the Olympics music from around the world representing Greece and Cyprus. Other significant features include performances at George Michael’s own home and Tony Blair’s’ son’s wedding. Chris has a vast amount of technical knowledge in his repertoire studying sound engineering and reinforcement and assisted in various hi tech sound installations also owning certifications in (EMP). Additionally, Chris has published his own music composition and recorded as session guitarist on various Greek music productions.
Marina Deligianni - Lead Vocalist
Μαρίνα Δεληγιάννη - Τραγούδι
Marina is the lead female vocalist of ENTHIMION MUSIC. Raised in Athens, Marina grew up immersed in Greek music, studying "Contemporary Music & Harmony"at Ethniko Odeio Athinon. As a performing artist Marina has been working professionally alongside great Greek singers and musicians over the last 15 years such as Dimitiris Livanos, Vaggelis Liolios, Kyriakos Gouventas, Angela Greka, Mariw, Thanos Petrelis, Giorgos Tsalikis & Nikos Oikonomopoulos in the famous Bouzoukia Stage in Greece as well as many others. Marina has been living in London for the last five years where she is also the lead female singer of Plastikes Karekles and co-founder of the charity "Rebetiko Carnival".
Η Μαρίνα είναι η τραγουδίστρια της ορχήστρας. Μεγαλωμένη στην Αθήνα , μεγάλωσε περιτριγυρισμένη από την ελληνική μουσική η οποια της εδωσε το κινητρο να σπουδάσει τραγούδι στο Εθνικό Ωδειο Αθηνων. Ως ερμηνεύτρια έχει εργασθεί στο πλευρό διαφόρων γνωστών ελλήνων τραγουδιστών όπως ο Δημήτρης Λιβανός, Αγγέλα Γκρέκα, Μαριώ, Θάνος Πετρέλης, Γιώργος Τσαλίκης, Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος κ.α.
Nikos Nikomanis - Keyboards/piano
Νίκος Νικομάνης - Πλήκτρα
Born in Kerkura, Nikos is the keyboard/piano player of ENTHIMION MUSIC. He began his music studies at the age of 10 learning the accordion and performing live at the age of 13 as a solo musician at various events on the island. Nikos followed classical piano lessons at the conservatory of Kerkura. He continued to follow his passion for music from a young age where he has worked at renowned Greek venues in London, performing at countless events and private functions. Apart from piano and accordion, Nikos also passionately studies Byzantine music in the school of Thyatira and Great Britain.
Γεννημένος στην Κέρκυρα ο Νίκος είναι ο πιανίστας της ορχήστρας. Στην ηλικία των 10 ετών ξεκίνησε να μαθαίνει αρμόνιο και στα 13 του ήδη δούλευε ως μουσικός σε διάφορες εκδηλώσεις του νησιού. Παρακολούθησε μαθήματα κλασικού πιάνου κι αρμονίας στο ωδείο της Κέρκυρας, από όπου κι αποφοίτησε. Συνεχίζοντας στον δρόμο της μουσικής με το ιδιαίτερο πάθος που τον διακατέχει, ποτέ δεν έπαψε να μαθαίνει και να εξελίσσεται πάνω σε αυτό που αγαπούσε απο μικρός, την μουσική. Έτσι τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει παίξει σε πολλαπλές εκδηλώσεις και γνωστά ελληνικά μαγαζιά στο Λονδίνο. Παράλληλα παρακολουθεί μαθήματα βυζαντινής μουσικής στη σχολή Θυατείρων και Μεγάλης Βρετανίας που βρίσκεται στον Ανατολικό Λονδινο.
Chris Karayiannis - Bouzouki
Χρήστος Καραγιάννης - Μπουζούκι
Chris began learning music at the age of 12, where he has accomplished a virtuosic standard on the Bouzouki, also playing Bass, Baglama and Tzoura. Having worked in the UK’s most decorated venues, clubs and private events for the last 25 years, Chris is one of the most experienced London based musicians in ENTHIMION MUSIC, performing at over 1000 private functions and weddings for both Live Greek and English occasions.
Ο Χρίστος ξεκίνησε να μαθαίνει μουσική στην ηλικία των 12 ετών έτσι κατάφερε να γίνει ένας σπουδαίος επαγγελματίας μουσικός στο μπουζούκι. Επίσης παίζει μπάσο, μπαγλαμά και τζουρά. Εχει δούλεψει σε μεγάλα κέντρα δεξιώσεων, ξενοδοχεία, νυχτερινά κέντρα κι εκδηλώσεις για τα τελευταια 25 χρονια. Ο Χρίστος είναι ένα από τα πιο έμπειρα μέλη της ορχήστρας με βάση το Λονδίνο, αφού συνολικά έχει παίξει σε περισσότερες από 1000 εκδηλώσεις συμπεριλαμβάνοντας Αγγλικούς κι Ελληνικούς γάμους.
Dimitris Gionis - Bouzouki
Δημήτρης Γκιώνης - Μπουζούκι
Dimitris is an experienced musician that has worked with many high profile artists in Athens and internationally such as Antonis Repanis, Giannis Dounias, Giorgos Kalatzis and Melina Aslanidou. He has taken part in concerts for Mikis Theodorakis and many other significant singers within the professional Greek music domain. Additionally he currently is a teacher of the bouzouki & guitar, whilst also providing lessons in classical theory and harmony.
Ο Δημήτρης έχει 15 χρόνια εμπειρία στο χώρο της μουσικής. Έχει συνεργαστεί με σημαντικούς ερμηνευτές και συνθέτες όπως ο Αντώνης Ρεπάνης, Γιάννης Ντουνιας, Γιώργος Καλατζης και Μελίνα Ασλανιδου. Έχει πάρει μέρος σε συναυλίες για σπουδαίους Έλληνες δημιουργούς όπως ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης και άλλοι. Επιπλέον διδάσκει Μπουζουκι-Κιθαρα και ανώτερα θεωρητικά της κλασικής μουσικής.
Valentino Antos - Lead Vocalist
Βαλεντίνος Άντος - Τραγούδι
Valentino is a lead male vocalist for ENTHIMION MUSIC. Hailing from South London and born to Greek Parents, Valentino Antos is a professional Greek singer/songwriter & musician. At age 7, Valentino began learning to play the Greek Bouzouki. Seven years later at age 14, Valentino had achieved virtuoso status as a child prodigy and attracted crowds with his riveting performances in the UK and in Greece. As a result, he was invited to perform in prestigious venues with Greek household names such as ‘Valantis’, ‘Pantelis Thalasinos’, ‘Rena Stamou’, ‘Stella Georgiadou’, ‘Panos Psaltis’ and ‘Christos Antoniadis’. Since then, he has managed to further develop and immerse himself in the art that is his passion, music.
Keen to hone his orchestral and theoretical musical knowledge, Valentino expanded his horizons, opting to learn more about different instruments in the hopes of deciphering how best the sound of the Greek Bouzouki could be complimented worldwide. This led to him learning the guitar, Turkish Saz, Drums, Percussive instruments and most notably the Piano. By 2008, Valentino was awarded his professional qualification in Piano and Music Theory, from the UK’s largest music education body; ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal School of Music). In 2010, he began singing and song writing professionally and within a year, he began singing at functions, events and weddings. He was also bestowed with various opportunities to open concerts for prominent Greek singers such as ‘Aggelos Dionisiou’, ‘Stelios Dionisiou’, ‘Peggy Zina’ and Katerina Kouka’. His presence and talent as a reputable vocalist and musician are recognised both nationally and internationally and this has allowed him to introduce the sounds of the Greek bouzouki to a greater audience via national adverts, BBC TV, BBC World Radio and the London Jazz Band.
Harry Christou - Drums
Χαρη Χριστου - Τύμπανα
Harry began playing Drums professionally in the early 90’s, and is known as one of the UK’s most talented and respected drummers. Harry's technical ability, knowledge and experience has allowed him to build a vast repertoire of Greek and English music, where he has over the last 25 years worked in some of the most famous Greek live stages such as “Elysee, Athena Palace, Fantasia, Grecia, Apollo, Notes, Asteria, Sismos and numerous weddings/private functions.
Ο Χάρης ξεκίνησε να παίζει τύμπανα επαγγελματικά από τις αρχές του 1990 και είναι γνωστός ως ένας από τους πιο ταλαντούχους και αξιόπιστους μουσικούς στο είδος του. Η τεχνική, οι γνώσεις του κι η εμπειρία του, τού επέτρεψαν να αναπτύξει ένα ευρύ φάσμα ρεπερτορίου της ελληνικής και αγγλικής μουσικής. Τα τελευταία 25 χρόνια εργάζεται ως μουσικός στις πιο γνωστές ελληνικές πίστες του Λονδίνου όπως είναι το Ελιζέ, Αθηνά Παλάς, Φαντασία, Γκρέσια, Απόλλο, Νότες, Αστέρια, Σεισμός καθώς επίσης και σε διάφορες εκδηλώσεις και γάμους.
Manos Pattakos - Percussions
Μάνος Παττακός - Κρουστά
Manos has been playing percussions from the age of 9 with an interest on various other instruments such as piano and guitar. Manos is the ΕΝΤΗΙΜΙΟΝ MUSIC percussionist and vocalist. Manos has studied BA Music & BA sonic Arts (2003-2007 Manchester Metropolitan University) & MA Music Therapy (2009-2013, University of the West of England, Bristol). Throughout his musical journey Manos has explored different styles of percussion such as Latin, African and Samba as well as participating in seminars and workshops about World Music, playing Middle Eastern Hand percussion such as the Dumbek and Darbuka. Manos’s career began at the age of 17 as a percussionist for a Greek live stage (bouzoukia) which has since led to playing in various functions and events through Greece and the UK.
Ο Μάνος ξεκίνησε να παίζει κρουστά από την ηλικία των 9 ετών, έχοντας μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον για διάφορα μουσικά όργανα όπως είναι το πιάνο κι η κιθάρα. Το πάθος του για την μουσική τον οδήγησαν ν αφήσει την πατρίδα του όταν ήταν 20 χρονών και να μετακομήσει στην Αγγλία για σπουδές. Αποφοίτησε απο το πανεπιστήμιο του Ματσεστερ κατέχοντας δυο πτυχία πανω στην μουσική του κόσμου και ηλεκτρονική μουσική. Εν συνέχεια, αποφοίτησε από το πανεπιστήμιο του Μπρίστολ ολοκλήρωντοντας το μεταπτυχιακό του πάνω στην Μουσικοθεραπεία. Καθ’ όλη την διάρκεια των σπουδών του έιχε έρθει σε επαφή με διαφορετικά είδη μουσικής, όπως είναι η Λατινική, Αφρικανική και Ινδικη. Επίσης, έχει συμμετάσχει σε μουσικά σεμινάρια κι εργαστήρια παγκόσμιας μουσική, παίζοντας κρουστά της Μέσης Ανατολής όπως είναι η Αιγυπτιακή Νταρμπούκα. Η καρίερα του ως μουσικού έχει ξεκινήσει από την ηλικία των 17 ετών παίζοντας κρουστά σε ελληνική μουσική σκηνή το οποίο τον οδήγησε στη συνέχεια να συμμετάσχει σε διάφορα μουσικά σχήματα κι εκδηλώσεις στην Ελλάδα και την Αγγλία.
Eduart Halili - Bass
Eduart has studied contrabass in classical music and was part of Koritsas philharmonic orchestra. From 1991, Eduart has been playing live for over 15 years in some of the most renowned Greek night clubs of Greece. Eduart has recently moved to London and has established himself as the Bass player of ENTHIMION MUSIC, where his knowledge, extensive experience and diverse repertoire makes him a valuable asset to the orchestra. Whilst in Tirana, Eduart was the Maestro of the orchestra “Grupi Kolonjar”, performing at various functions and events.
Ο Έντουαρτ έχει σπουδάσει κλασσικό κοντραμπάσο κι ήταν μέλος της Φιλαρμονικής Ορχήστρας της Κόρυτσας. Από το 1991 έχει συμμετάσχει σε κάποιες από τις πιο γνωστές μουσικές σκηνές της Ελλάδας. Πρόσφατα μετακομίσε στο Λονδίνο όπου κι ανέλαβε την θέση του μπασίστα στην ορχήστρα. Έτσι οι μουσικές γνώσεις του, η μεγάλης διάρκεια εμπειρία του και το ποικίλο ρεπερτόριό του τον κάνουν ένα πολύ σημαντικό μέλος της ορχήστρας. Στα Τίρανα, ο Έντουαρτ ήταν ο Μαέστρος του γκρουπ “Grupi Kolonjar”.
Savvas Lagou - Lead Vocalist/Violin
Savvas Lagou was born in Larnaca in 1991 and is a lead male vocalist of ENTHIMION MUSIC. He began working professionally as a singer at the age of 15 and since then he has been singing in various weddings, venues, concerts and festivals in Cyprus, Greece, Belgium, Italy, Romania, Slovenia and London.
Savvas has been invited to sing in several Cypriot television programmes in Rik Tv and Sigma, also participating in the concert united by music which was a side by side concert with Berlin Philarmonic players in Paphos, Cyprus.
Since September 2016 Savvas is an MA student in the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London where he studies with Mateja Marinkovic and Jack Liebeck. He also had chamber music coaching with Doric string quartet and Levon Chilingirian.
While he was in the military band (S.M.E.F) he became student of Sorin Alexandru Horlea who was his major influence as a musician and violinist.
Savvas also began violin lessons at the age of 7 at the annex of the Conservatoire of East Attica in Larnaca where he graduated in 2009.
Savvas received scholarships for his studies in Trinity Laban "Ludwig Lebell Scholar" and won <Marios Tokas> scholarship for 3 years from the State Scholarship Foundation of Cyprus in 2009.(I.K.Y)
In 2011 he studied for one year at City University of London under Magdalena Filipczak. While he was a student there he managed to gain a place to transfer as a second year student at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.
At Trinity Laban he studied with Andrew Sherwood. He also had master classes with Micheal Bochmann, Rivka Golani, John Crawford, Diana Cummings, Zsolt-Tihamer Visontay and Remus Azoitei.
In April 2014 Savvas performed as a soloist with Somerset Youth Symphony Orchestra and in May with Cyprus Symphony Orchestra in Larnaca and Nicosia.
Savvas took part in the Summer Academy of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Cyprus in the seasons of 2011-12 and 2012-13 and has been a member of Trinity Laban Symphony Orchestra until July 2015 that he received his Bmus in violin performance.
After receiving his LTCL in one to one teaching Savvas has been a dedicated teacher in the season 2015/16 where he returned to Cyprus to prepare for his MA auditions with his mentor Sorin Alexandru Horlea.
Michael Andreas Michael - Percussionist/Technical Engineer
Michael is the technical engineer and percussionist of ENTHIMION MUSIC. Michael has been involved in the music circuit for over 25 years and has experience in different fields. He has been playing drums & percussion's since the age of 12, and has more recently expanding his level of expertise into sound and technical engineering. Responsible for building sound system rigs for clubs and sound reinforcement, his experience in this field has excelled making Michael a key member of ENTHIMION MUSIC, taking the role as the bands lead technical engineer. Michael builds bespoke sound rigs to suit venues as requested by our clients so every venue gets the best possible sound. Michael is the person that the band rely upon to solve all technical related queries and requests, assuring around the clock support to ensure the event runs smoothly. Michael also offers a set on the percussion's and drums making him a true utility man who thrives to make sure all the components fit together to make each event successful.
Yiannis Lekkas - Sound Engineer
Yiannis is the sound engineer of the orchestra. Yiannis has been in the sound industry since 1985 working in theatre, and live music as a front of house sound engineer in Greece, UK and various events around Europe.